2024 Scheduled Events


Hand & Hoof Haven
Campobello, SC

7/20/2024    Reiki Level I / Reiki for Horses
   7/21/2024     Reiki Level II / Reiki for Horses
8/10/2024           Animal Communication
Link to Register

By Application
Fall 2024 Reiki Master/ Teacher Training
3laurathomas@gmail.com for more information

Private Classes by Request


Cotton Branch Farm Sanctuary
Leesville, SC

3/25 Animal Reiki for Reiki Practitioners
3laurathomas@gmail.com for more information

4/14 Reiki Level I/Reiki for Animals
25% of the registration fees go to Cotton Branch


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Animal Communication:
the Basics

TBA or By Request
If you are interested in hosting a class or a one-on-one training, contact Laura

In this workshop, you will rediscover your natural intuitive ability to connect telepathically with animals. We will engage in exercises to help awaken and nurture this ability. It will be an enlightening, fun-filled day!  Full Class Description

Registration Fee $200


Animal Communication:
Going Deeper

TBA or By Request
If you are interested in hosting a class or a one-on-one training, contact Laura

In this workshop, you will rediscover your natural intuitive ability to connect telepathically with animals. We will engage in exercises to help awaken and nurture this ability. It will be an enlightening, fun-filled day!  Full Class Description

Registration Fee $200


Reiki Level I / Reiki for Animals

TBA or By Request
If you are interested in hosting a class or a one-on-one training, contact Laura

Want to deepen your connection to animals? Looking for a way to calm yourself and your animals to support healing? Need to find balance and peace in your life? Searching for a practical way to help rescued and/or abused animals?  Reiki & Reiki for Animals can show you the way! Full Class Description

Registration Fee $200

Copy of laura squatting

Energy Healing for Horses

TBA or By Request
If you are interested in hosting a class or a one-on-one training, contact Laura

Learn simple, holistic, non-invasive techniques to help balance your horse's body, relieve stress, anxiety, emotional and physical blocks.  Energy healing works on all levels - body, mind and spirit. When the body is in balance, it can heal itself.  Energy healing is not a substitute for veterinary care.  It is a supportive and complimentary modality that has been proven to reduce stress, alleviate pain and bring balance to humans and horses.  Full Class Description

Registration Fee $250

Copy of Laura and Petey

Reiki Level II/ Reiki for Animals

TBA or By Request
If you are interested in hosting a class or a one-on-one training, contact Laura

Prerequisite:  Reiki Level I/Reiki for Animals

Learn advanced meditative and esoteric uses of Reiki. Most Reiki II classes focus on Reiki for people, but this class is unique in its emphasis on Reiki for both humans and animals. Learn how to respect and honor animals as partners in the Reiki space.

Elevate your practice from “doing” Reiki to animals, to “being” Reiki with them!
Full Class Description

Registration Fee $250

Private Classes

By Request

If you are interested in scheduling a one-on-one training or hosting a class at your farm or facility, contact Laura.


"Many who know me, know I'm skeptical of anything other than science; this class was not what I expected! It truly helped me connect more with myself and, in turn, the animals. I highly recommend it for anyone who works in rescue and sanctuary work, and really anyone with animal companions in their life! If I invited you, it is because I think you will benefit from and enjoy this class!"

Josh, Director
Cotton Branch Farm Animal Sanctuary

"Awesome! It was great!"

Jan A.

"Laura, you were insightful and interesting. Thank you for helping me expand my universe."

Su L.

"Reiki class was amazing with Laura...she is an excellent teacher and so calm and loving towards the animals! Thank you Laura!"

Cotton Branch Animal Sanctuary