Dr. Susan Fay, author and clinician, was at Full Moon Farm in Aiken, SC for a two day clinic in October. Twenty plus participants and auditors from five states experienced what is possible when we are present in the moment and focus our energy and intent in the presence of horses. Dr. Fay was also in Camden for two days of private sessions.
I still do not have adequate words to describe my weeklong journey with Dr. Fay. Transformative, amazing, rewarding, enlightening, spiritual, magical – all come to mind, but do not seem to be enough. The deeper energetic connection to my horses and the progress we made defy words.
The one thing I do know is every horse person, regardless of discipline or skill level, could benefit from learning to be fully present and open with their horse and allowing their horses to be the same. Energetic communication makes the physical flow smoothly and flawlessly.
How easy would a trainer’s or instructor’s job be if they and their students could embody just the most basic of Dr. Fay’s techniques…breath awareness, being an energetic model for the horse, visualization, the energetic connection, allowing the horse to work through emotions and not just making them push through? Imagine what horses and humans so easily could accomplish together! Imagine how much happier our horses would be! And, we all know happy horses perform better.
Dr. Fay shows us the way to get ourselves in the right space, connect to our horses energetically and to listen and respond in the way the horse needs, creating a Sacred Space for human and horse. It is my wish that every horse and horse person be able to experience this Sacred Space.
To learn more about Dr. Fay’s work or schedule a remote session with her, visit https://drsusanfay.com